【学校建設2・我らがはちみつ農園】full story of School Project at Minawar village (vol.2 starting from own honey farm)


In 2017,  youth of the local community agreed and started supporting to make a school, quickly became a big school project in Gilgit 2017.The biggest problem is how to make money for building school. As Jasmine on the Japanese side, thinking about how to support. At that time, their message came strongly “We don’t wait for the donation, let’s start with ourselves!” In the winter of 2017, they chose honey business, most of youth involving once even experts there. OK we can do it, try hard on honey business for making a school!!

[su_highlight]パキスタンと日本の国境を越えた・・ホンモノはちみつ大作戦[/su_highlight]Beyond the border between Pakistan and Japan …start marketing to make real honey


North of Pakistan, Gilgit-Baltistan is a mountainous area west part of the Himalayas, 5 of over 8000 meters including K2(2nd highest peak in ths world) and nearly 50 over 7000 meters. There are many fruit trees and beautiful rare flowers. Can you imagine field of colorful flowers over 3000m elevation? Green area called the jungle in rock mountains, we can see many wild grasses such as wild berries. This is why the honey industry is thriving. First year 2017, No fund for investing, we couldn’t buy honeybees or bee house,We spent much time for visiting the honey farm. Start from learning

[su_highlight]そして知る、インチキはちみつの横行[/su_highlight] surprise to know many cheating honey in the market in the world

2018年をはちみつ学びの年に決めてはちみつ農家を追っかけた。学ぶ学ぶ。不誠実な養蜂家は砂糖も大量に使うし、シリコンの蜂の巣フレームも使う、ひどい時には安いそこらのはちみつを混ぜ高く売っていることがだんだんわかっていった。なるほどインターネットの養蜂家サイトには花粉まで売っていた、亀じゃあるまいし!?そして工場で作るはちみつまで横行。私たちは着実に天然自然のはちみつの 見分け方を学び、誠実な養蜂家仲間も増えていった。

2018 is a year of learning of real honey, find sincere farmers. Cheating honey was adding much sugar and chemical , even using silicone honey comb.You can make fake honey easily at the factory. We hate fake honey.


[su_highlight]ドキドキ・わくわく初輸入[/su_highlight] first importing honey to Japan,  nervous and exciting

Spring of 2018, we got 50 kg of real apricot honey from a reliable beekeeper and imported honey to Japan by air first time. This is the starting point of the passionate honey business. Jasmine was responsible for selling honey and returning profit for school funds. “Why you are going to Pakistan many times?” It’s necessary to negotiate everywhere, eye-to-eye, the choice of sincere transporters, baby steps though, only learn and act!

[su_highlight]自然のはちみつにこだわるには自家農園っきゃない[/su_highlight] Must have our own farm to provide real good mountain honey

Adding sugar and chemicals are unavoidable, but the amount is important.  Visit an expert and find out that it takes a lot of work for keeping real natural honey.
If honey is taken out before the beehives are capped by beewax, the amount of enzyme will be less, but those who want to get honey quickly and more times in a year, they won’t wait for the lid coverung up. Worth of honey is going less. Unfortunately most of the honey in the market are boiling, some is cheating solve much sugar. Law honey is the best quality for health & long lives. We are eager to make and provide real honey.only the way si making our own honey farm! ! This is our conclusion, making real, honest,sincere honey of our own honey farm.

[su_highlight]元気な蜂を買いにスワットへ[/su_highlight] Go to Swat to buy a healthy good bee

Our own honey farm. it’s a dream for everyone. No money we borrowed, debt started. First we decided to get healthy and energetic bees. Happy to meet great honeyfarm,they invited us to their house with a fine orchard. The house has the ruins of Gandhara. Snack was honeywithout filter with nuts.

[su_highlight]2019年春、いよいよ我らのはちみつ農園の始まり~・・学校プロジェクトのために[/su_highlight] 2019spring We start our own honey farm with hope
First of all, apricots are set on a cliff overlooking the Gilgit River, where there are many acacia and apricot trees. What a nice smell from the white flowers of Acacia. First year everything is a great experience. We are proud of staff staying at honey farm even far from their house without internet, they are so ambitious and passionate making real honey. Financially no fund, just be patient. Dream will come true soon.

[su_highlight]How to support us and children’s dream? あなたならではの応援の仕方で![/su_highlight]


Need more funds. Please support our School Project. Support the children’s dream! their future!
① ご寄付でサポート Donation
② 学校プロジェクトに賛同している商品を買ってサポート Noor Karakorum Trading Co.,Ltd  
③   学校の必需品で使わなくなったものをご寄付ください・・文具・子供用リュック・絵本・学校で使うPCや黒板などの設備・・・etc.  メールでご相談ください


NEXT 次回の記事をお楽しみに!核心に迫ります
[su_box title=”荒波へ乗り出そう、自家はちみつ農園 花を追ってハニーキャラバン2019″ radius=”5″] vol.2 ….”our own honey farm, start honey caravan 2019 l”[/su_box]
〈筆責  NPO Pakistan Japan Jasmine Association 岡 京子 〉

Vol 1 Story →【学校建設 決意まで】full story of School Project at Minawar village (vol.1 At the beginning)

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