There are many children who don’t go, can’t go to school in center of Minawar village, upper mountain of Karakorum Highway, the neighboring town of Gilgit in northern Pakistan. WHY? The school was too far away & too dangerous. Since parents have never been educated, there is not much attention to reading and writing, besides hard to read registeration form. Without education…..Is it for OKay for kids?
[su_highlight]子供の毎日が遊ぶだけでいいのか?Kids keep hanging around everyday? NO way![/su_highlight]
However, Gilgit is close to China, India, Afghanistan border, the fact that they cannot read and write is equivalent to the fact that the world cannot be seen. There is no way to look up the information they want.Education is basic of human life. Is it okay for the children who will be the next generation?
[su_highlight]学校を自分たちの手で作る Make own school by own hands[/su_highlight]
Young generation of local community stood up. Allow children to choose their future! ! Make a own school with their own hands! ! Jasmine supports their heartful and thoughtful projects and working together for brighten their children’s future.
[su_highlight]出会い、そして始まり Meeting then thinking of education[/su_highlight]
3年前、1人の若者の夢を聞いた。毎日聞いた。両親も教育に無縁だったので確かな年齢は分からないが30歳前後。誰よりも上手に英語で心の熱い思いを表現できる人だった。がむしゃらに家の手伝いに喜びを見出した子供時代。家を出て南の町のモスクで勉強をした多感な青年時代。その後無一文ながら帰郷を決意。途中の町で多くの住み込み仕事をしては旅費をため故郷へ戻った。ここでもがむしゃらに家業を手伝い、アメリカのNGOでローカル ディレクターとして働き多くの経験を積んでいった。がNGOそんなが撤退。そんなときガイドとして出会った彼は自分の能力・リーダーシップを持て余しているように見えた。
Three years ago, I heard the dream of my friend every day. He is around 30 years old. He doesn’t know exact age, because his parents has no education. He was a person who could express his passion in English better than anyone. He found joy in helping his parents at childhood. He left home and studied at a mosque in a southern town at sensitive youth years. After that, he decided to go home with no money. After a lot of live-in work in a town on the way, He finally returned his home by his own power without any help. He started helping a family business then worked for an American NGO, got a lot of experiences. When I met him, he seemed that he had too much hidden abilities and leadership.
It is clear that all the experience, more than education, raised up him. After a while, I was confessed that he never go to school. There was no surprise. There are many people who are not much good like him even if they have education. He doesn’t say if or negative words. But he wants to make next generation should have education, at least writing & reading. “I want school, kids need education” Serious eyes looking at the future. Even if he could read and write, he might get a job with a high social status, he could have officially made various exchanges with letters … He has great personality and passion over the education.
[su_highlight]決めた!学校を作ろう!一緒に作ろう!Let’s go with School Project. Make a school together[/su_highlight]
His name is Maqsood Alam owner of Pakistan Packages Tour.
[su_highlight]彼が人生を語ったフンザの夜、あの停電の夜が我らが学校プロジェクトの真の始まり [/su_highlight]
We start planning for making a school for kids pratically at the night of blackout in HUNZA. After 3 years still under progress.
—now building school— 18 August 2019
[su_highlight]How to support us and children’s dream? あなたならではの応援の仕方で![/su_highlight]
Need more funds. Please support our School Project. Support the children’s dream! their future!
① ご寄付でサポート Donation
② 学校プロジェクトに賛同している商品を買ってサポート Noor Karakorum Trading Co.,Ltd
③ 学校の必需品で使わなくなったものをご寄付ください・・文具・子供用リュック・絵本・学校で使うPCや黒板などの設備・・・etc. メールでご相談ください
[su_box title=”悩む・資金繰り” radius=”5″]””プロジェクト 最大の課題”どうやって資金を作るか? vol.2 我らがはちみつ農園”how to get the budget for school”[/su_box]
〈筆責 NPO Pakistan Japan Jasmine Association 岡 京子 〉