Donation ご寄付のお願い


1 異文化交流 パキスタンの良い所を日本にご紹介し、日本の文化をパキスタンにお紹介しています。
2 Jasmineは日本人とパキスタン人とが共に活動する団体です。
3 子供達たちが平等に受けられる教育を支援する 現在パキスタン北部ギルギット近郊のミナワー村の学校建設を応援しています。
4 パキスタンで作ったオリジナルなものを販売しています(ハチミツ・アプリコットオイルなど)・・Noor Karakorum trading co.,Ltd
5    消防車・救急車の寄贈
6 パキスタン&日本 コンサルティング実績多数

教育は知識のみならず生きるための基本を学ぶ場所 学校がなければ作るっきゃない!




一緒に活動ができない方も、「 こどもたちの夢を支援・チャンスをあげたい」と思われる方も是非、私たちに力をお貸しください。

[su_box title=”お力をお貸しください” radius=”5″]まだまだ資金が不足しております。ご寄付は全額・全部、直接届けます!
子供が見る夢を!未来を!サポートしてください! Need more funds. Please support our School Project. Support the children’s dream! their future!
① ご寄付でサポート Donation
② 学校プロジェクトに賛同している商品を買ってサポート Noor Karakorum Trading Co.,Ltd
③ 学校の必需品で使わなくなったものをご寄付ください・・文具・子供用リュック・絵本・学校で使うPCや黒板などの設備・・・etc. メールでご相談ください[/su_box]




ギルギットってどんなところ? パキスタン北部ギルギットバルティスタン州の州都








    The name of the application will be the name of the receipt.


      1. ゆうちょ銀行 (JAPAN POST BANK)
    他銀行間振り込み用 (from another bank)
    店名 (store name) 〇一八(ゼロイチハチ)
    店番 (store number) 018
    口座番号 (account number) 普通  (Futsu) 8201204番号
    口座名 (account name) トクヒ)パキスタン ジャパン ジャスミンアソシエーション
      1. ゆうちょ銀行 (JAPAN POST BANK)
    ゆうちょ口座間送金用 (Japan Post Bank to Japan Post Bank)
    記号 (store name) 10150
    口座番号 (account number) 82012041
    口座名 (account name) トクヒ)パキスタン ジャパン ジャスミンアソシエーション
      1. みずほ銀行 (Mizuho Bank)
    他銀行間振り込み用 (from another bank)
    店名 (store name) 飯田橋支店(Iidabashi branch)
    店番 (store number) 061
    口座番号 (account number) 普通  (Futsu) 2726760
    口座名 (account name) トクヒ)Pakistan Japan Jasmine Association

    We “Jasmine” are conducting activities in Pakistan and in Japan, with the theme “to support education children can receive equally“. Why we are working on the theme of “education”? There is a big reason for that.

    Education is an effective way to prevent from poverty life


    coyot / Pixabay

    Without good education, we have seen a lot of children who can not get to work, can not speak the language, can not write, and struggles with making things difficult. As you can see from numerous reasons, not being able to have education will ultimately lead to poverty.

    By supporting as many children as possible, in an environment that can receive equal education, we can cut off the cycle leading to poverty. Also, having an educated environment means that you can acquire knowledge, overcome difficulties, acquire the ability to realize your dreams, and greatly expand the possibilities of children’s bright future.

    However, in order to support, we can not save many children “Jasmine“alone. “Jasmine” can also expand the range of activities because there are many people, such as friends who can work together and approve our wish. If you think “I would like to support children’s dreams and give opportunities”but no time for working together with Jasmine, please lend us the power as your heartful contribution.

    For children for pleasure to read books, and have opportunities to learn!

    Jasmine gave stationaries as a gift to the school in Yasin Valley December 2016.
    We will support books there as “Jasmine Library” in September 2017.

    [st-kaiwa-1975]What do you want most now, I asked children when I visited school.[/st-kaiwa-1975]
    [st-kaiwa-1978]I want to learn. I want write my name, Iwant to go to school[/st-kaiwa-1978]
    [st-kaiwa-1975]Jasmine decided to give the children school with local community in Minawar.[/st-kaiwa-1975]

    What is Yasin Valley like?



    Yasin Valley is a high valley in the Hindu Kush mountain range, 3 hours by road from the Gilgit capital of Gilgit Balticist. The land of Pakistan faces the Arabian Sea in the south and the north is the world’s roof Karakorum Mountain Range and the Hindu Kush Mountain range of mountains ranging from 7000 m to 8000 m.

    School circumstance



    How to donate?

    Donations to Jasmine here for only support for children. Especially a gift of library (Jasmine library). First gift is for school in Yasin Valley September 2017. Please fill out the necessary information on the application form below and send donation from the bank.


      Donation transfer these bank

        1. JAPAN POST BANK
      from another bank
      store name 〇一八(ゼロイチハチ)
      store number 018
      account number Futsu 8201204
      account name トクヒ)パキスタン ジャパン ジャスミンアソシエーション
        1. JAPAN POST BANK
      Japan Post Bank to Japan Post Bank
      store name 10150
      account number) 82012041
      account name トクヒ)パキスタン ジャパン ジャスミンアソシエーション
        1. Mizuho Bank
      from another bank
      store name Iidabashi branch
      store number 061
      account number Futsu 2726760
      account name トクヒ)Pakistan Japan Jasmine Association
      The receipt is scheduled to be sent at the stage when payment can be confirmed, but it may be delayed on account of administrative affairs. I am sorry for inconvinience, the transfer fee at the applicant.